Thursday, September 30, 2004

Last minute debate odds (payoff/stake). Odds that...

...wears cowboy boots: 2/1
...mispronounces "nuclear": 1/3
...stifles a yawn during a Kerry offroad: 3/1
...tries to look politely puzzled, but seems to be smirking: 1/1

...breaks a camera with his tan: 6/1
...grins awkwardly: 1/1
...makes a disparaging comment about Bush's "work" on the ranch: 4/1
...sweats visibly enough that his mascara runs: 3/2

...We hear about anyone's father working in a mill: 17/2
...Either candidate gets the hiccups: 4/1
...Either candidate rolls his eyes: 1/3
...Jim Lehrer rolls his eyes: 2/1

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