Monday, October 17, 2005 reports that Rove will likely resign, if indicted:

Even before testifying last week for the fourth time before a grand jury probing the leak of CIA operative Valerie Plame's identity, Bush senior adviser Rove and others at the White House had concluded that if indicted he would immediately resign or possibly go on unpaid leave, several legal and Administration sources familiar with the thinking told TIME. Resignation is the much more likely scenario, they say. The same would apply to I. Lewis (Scooter) Libby, the Vice President's chief of staff, who also faces a possible indictment. A former White House official says Rove's break with Bush would have to be clean - no "giving advice from the sidelines" - for the sake of the Administration.
My question to the assembled teeming masses that are my readership is this: is there any way that anyone, ever, views Rove and the Bush administration to be separate entities? In my mind, the two are so seamlessly interwoven that no amount of clean breaking can enable the "It wasn't me, it was Karl" argument to hold any water (though clearly that is unlikely to stop this particular administration from making it).

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