Monday, October 31, 2005

Some funny lines from this weekend's comedians (all courtesy, naturally, of The Hotline):

Darrell Hammond (as Bill O'Reilly): "Where I come from, we don't need our juries to be grand, and we sure as heck don't need our prosecutors to be special. 'Talking Points' once again invites this jury to come on 'The Factor' and explain what makes this jury so grand, and until you do, jury, you're a coward."

Amy Poehler (Weekend Update): "Shocking many on Thursday, the religious right participated in a second-term abortion."

Bill Maher: "They say Libby could finish Cheney's sentences, and now he's going to. At Leavenworth."

Also, in the spirit of all these, here's a joke I recently enjoyed:
President Bush was receiving his daily intelligence briefing. Coming to the subject of Iraq, the briefer said, "Mr. President, I'm sorry to inform you that three Brazilian soldiers died this afternoon." There was a pause, then the President let out a wail and began to sob. His briefing staff, unused to such displays of emotion, waited awkwardly until finally Bush managed to get himself under control. With tears running down his face, he looked up and asked, lips quavering, "How many is a Brazilian?"

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