Friday, September 03, 2004

Two further quick notes about last night's speech (which can be found in its entirety here):

  • There was a line that I rather liked initially, and then really liked when I went back and read the speech again this evening. I didn't much care for the way he delivered it (as usual), but the rhetoric was pretty impressive: "My fellow Americans, for as long as our country stands, people will look to the resurrection of New York City and they will say: Here buildings fell, and here a nation rose."
  • Do you suppose that Bush honestly thinks that John Kerry actually doesn't respect the Coalition soldiers fighting with us? ("...allies that deserve the respect of all Americans, not the scorn of a politician.") One imagines it's just campaign rhetoric, in which case, it's fine by me; but one is also afraid that Bush really believes that by belittling the diplomatic efforts, Kerry is also belittling the troops that are out there, at our behest and mostly on our behalf. And it'd be a shame if he believed that.

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