Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Really terrific Daily Show bit tonight, wherein Stephen Colbert calls for Dan Rather's resignation:

Colbert: Well, John, there's gotta be some accountability. Dan Rather is the head - the "commander in chief," if you will - of his organization. He's someone in the ultimate position of power who made a harmful decision based upon questionable evidence. Then, to make things worse, he stubbornly refused to admit his mistake, choosing instead to "stay the course" and essentially "occupy" this story for too long. The man has got to go. ... CBS is in chaos; unsafe; riven by internal rivalries. If you ask me, respected, reputable outsiders need to be brought in to help the rebuilding effort. ... I can tell you, Jon... Jon, I can tell you... Somewhere, Walter Cronkite is rolling over in his grave.
Stewart: Walt- Walter Kronkite is still alive.
Colbert: Not according to my sources... at CBS News.

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