Monday, November 14, 2005

Sen. Rick Santorum (R-The Rapture) challenges Bob Casey to ten debates (one for each commandment, perhaps?), and the only news source I can find that's carrying the story is the Centre Daily Times. Way to be, CDT!

Follow-Up: Hotline's On Call has the text of the letter, which says, I swear to God, "The specific details of each debate would be determined by you and I or our representatives."

Makes a person pause, doesn't it? I guess you have to admire the man's brazenness. I mean, why bother proofreading? It's not like Santorum's press secretary was actually distributing copies of this letter to the media.


Assistant Professor said...

Santorum's in trouble. Incumbents never challenge challengers to debates.

Mike said...

No question. He's polling a solid fifteen points behind Bob Casey, which is a mighty big hole to climb out of.

And as if his own lunacy wasn't bad enough, Santorum's got to contend with Pennsylvania's apparent collective disgust with any and all incumbents (whether or not they personally had anything to do with The Midnight Payraise). Granted, that fervor may have died down a bit by November 2006, but it should still be sufficient to erode at least some of the advantages that tend to come with incumbency.

I can't wait.