Friday, September 17, 2004

The obsessed liberal media continues to connect Iraq with Vietnam.

George W. Bush is now trapped as tightly in Iraq as Johnson was in Vietnam. The war is going badly. The president's own intelligence estimates are pessimistic. There is no plan to actually win the war in Iraq, and no willingness to concede defeat.

I wonder who the last man or woman will be to die for this colossal mistake.
Let's see: 58,000 killed in Vietnam. 1,000 killed in Iraq. Zero people allowed the chance at democracy and no tyrants captured in Vietnam. 25 million freed in Iraq, and one of history's most brutal dictators captured. Yep, I see the similarities.

At least one good piece of news from the NY Times: Paul Krugman is on vacation.
Followup from Mike (9.18.04): I can't really argue the fact that Bob Herbert constitutes a pretty major part of the "liberal media," but in re the Vietnam point: as the Hotline quipped this afternoon, "you really can't spell 'quagmire' without Iraq."

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