Sunday, May 07, 2006

Mike Huckabee was on the Colbert Report this past Tuesday, but I didn't get around to watching it until about half an hour ago, so I'd like to quickly mention it now: every time I see the man, he makes me laugh, and then he makes me cry.

Laugh, of course, because he's such a witty, likable guy; and then almost immediately cry, because his likability makes it altogether too easy to forget how far to the political right he really is (gay marriage, abortion, evolution... these are all things that Mike Huckabee doesn't believe in1).

As I mentioned to my distinguished former co-editor this evening, I honestly think that Huckabee's rather unique2 combination of tremendous likability and tremendous conservatism has the potential to make him as dangerous to the left as the early-90s Bill Clinton was to the right. And that makes me nervous.

1 - That last one is actually not even an exaggeration.
2 - Name another likable conservative, I dare you. (No offense, distinguished former co-editor.)


Scott said...

Thanks for the kind words about Governor Huckabee. You may be the only likeable liberal we've come across as well!


Mike said...

Flattered, to be sure; and thanks for the link. But let's not kid ourselves: there are thousands of lovable liberals out there. Heck, give a Kennedy a bottle of Schnapps and you've made yourself a friend for life!