Thursday, September 29, 2005

Yesterday's Note sussed out the identity of Bush's next nominee. In a manner of speaking.

As for the identity of Mr. Bush's pick, we can't tell you exactly whom he will choose. But we have devised a matrix of questions that will lead all Note readers inexorably to the right answer.

If you put these statements in order from 'most on the President's mind' to 'least on the President's mind,' you will know his choice:

A. 'Harriet Miers is Al Gonzales in a skirt with size six shoes and without the vexing paper trail.'

B. 'Bushie, I promise, my third pick will be a woman.'

C. 'I think the 90% of the base would like to see a little Sister Soulja'ing of the other 10% of the base.'

D. 'Steve Schmidt can sell anything.' (Note to Senator Alexander: read that as 'almost anything,' and remember that Steve was young and inexperienced then.)

E. 'She was on WHICH side of the Michigan affirmative action case???!!??'

F. 'Are we SURE that Portugual is an Hispanic country?'

G. 'I think old Harry could stand a stick in the eye at this point.'

H. 'So John Lewis, Paul Wolfowitz, and Clarence Thomas will go on 'The Daily Show' together defending him?'

I. 'I understand: under no circumstances can I call her 'Owenie' or 'Sissy' at the announcement.'

J. 'The white-Catholic-male-from-New-Jersey quota is not quite yet filled, right?'

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